Wood was used since the times of the ancient Egyptians, and even earlier if you consider Noah’s ark. He made this ark during the Great Flood in Biblical times. So, to cut a long story short, we see wood used by Egyptians, Greeks, Romans, Chinese, and a multitude of other cultures throughout the world’s history.
Also, throughout the history of mankind, great forests blanketed many parts of the world. They provided civilization with a valuable and plentiful resource: Wood
Wood was a material easy to work with and shape, so artisans used it in many diverse ways. They created weapons and siege devices from wood. They built houses, temples, boats, furniture, plows, and even coffins using local woods, or for special needs, imported fine, aromatic woods from distant lands. They also sculpted statues and other decorative pieces from wood. When stone structures were erected, woodworkers used wood scaffolding to aid in their construction.
As civilizations advanced, they invented new tools to cut and shape wood, or improved existing ones. Most of the hand tools woodworkers’ use today have changed little since ancient times.
The inability to monitor the moisture content of a piece of wood and allow it to acclimate to the surrounding environment before using it has led, regrettably, to the ruin of many finished objects. It is one reason why countless wooden objects from centuries past have vanished forever.
Historically, woodworks relied upon the woods native to their region, until transportation and trade innovations made more exotic woods available to the craftsman. Woods can be sorted into three basic types: hardwoods typified by tight grain and derived from broadleaf trees, softwoods from coniferous trees, and man-made materials such as plywood and MDF. Typically furniture such as tables and chairs is made using solid stock, and cabinet/fixture makers employ the use of plywood and other manmade panel products.
By developing woodworking skills humans were able to hunt more effectively, create shelters, build boats and make life easier. Furniture, bowls and spoons were created by wood and were also produced as art. Woodworking led to the advancement of society.
With the use of the state of the art advancement in woodworking, this generation has made wood and woodworking a thriving business to do. Here at Signet Slabs, we do not compromise quality, we upgrade to provide the best slabs in the USA. Connect to us!